Saturday, May 5, 2012

'The Avengers'

'The Avengers' officially opened yesterday and I've had the great pleasure of seeing it twice already. I went to a screening earlier in the week. It's one of those movies I can see many times. The audience last night was the best. They were so into it. They applauded when the movie started and several times throughout and when it was over. I love when you can feel the energy of the theater being all into what's up on the screen. The dialogue is so fantastic. Joss Whedon. Who does it better? No one. I've watched every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel repeatedly and what Joss does for those shows, he does for this movie.

I was once told in a screenwriting class that I should not write in pop culture references because not many people would know what it means. Feel free to add comments about this if you write because personally, I love pop culture references and Joss is tremendous at it. Iron Man makes one to Thor in the film, did you catch it? Get it? Love it? I did.

Next weekend.....Johnny Depp in Tim Burton's new film....'Dark Shadows.'
Wa hooooooooooooooooooooooo

Suzie with The Hulk

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